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邹晓龙:Institutional Deficiencies of the Paris Agreement and China's Compliance Capacity: An Evaluation after US Withdrawal (SSCI); Nepal's hydropower development: Predicament and dilemma in policy-making (SSCI)

发布时间:2021-10-12  点击:

果冻传媒 教师邹晓龙近期在著名国际问题研究类期刊(SSCI检索)先后发表两篇研究文章:


一篇发表在“China: An International Journal”期刊,题目为Institutional Deficiencies of the Paris Agreement and China's Compliance Capacity: An Evaluation after US Withdrawal。该文系统性分析了美国退出《巴黎协定》后所凸显的该协定的体制性缺陷,并对后《巴黎协定》时代,中国提出的国家自主减排贡献(Nationally Determined Contribution)及其履约能力进行了深入分析。文章链接:  


另一篇文章发表在联合国可持续发展期刊Natural Resources Forum ”题为Nepal's hydropower development: Predicament and dilemma in policy-making”。该文从国内、国际双重维度研究“为何尼泊尔水力发电资源如此丰富,却严重依赖从印度电力进口”的能源外交困境并提出具有针对性的政策建议。文章链接: